Instruction for authors



Insctructions for authors

Instructions for authors


The studies submitted for publication must constitute original and original scientific contributions. The authors of the studies are responsible for the originality of the materials sent for publication in the journal Orizonturi Teologice and for any damage of the intellectual property.

Scientific honesty obliges authors to disclose all works that formed the basis of the documentation and not to fraudulently misappropriate the contributions or ideas of other authors.

Self-plagiarism, the reproduction of one's own contributions, is also an intellectual fraud, and the perpetrators are solely responsible for any infringement of intellectual property.

Only bilingual materials will be published in the journal Orizonturi Teologice starting with 2019: Romanian-English, Romanian-French, Romanian-German.

The materials submitted for publication must comply with the rules of technical editing, editing and citation of the journal, which are continuously improved and updated.

The materials submitted for publication will be submitted in the electronic format specified below and will follow the working procedure that will be mentioned.

Studies must be accompanied by: Abstract and Keywords (keywords). At the same time, the Editorial board of Orizonturi Teologice will continue the peer-review system of the materials received for publication, respecting the international and national norms in the field. The procedure applied in the journal combines Editorial Board Peer-Review (Internal Review) with Expert Peer-Review (External Review).

Materials that will not meet the requirements of a scientific and academic study and will be untidy and unedited as required, with spelling and language errors, will not be considered.

Evaluation process:
Each article is reviewed by at least two readers elected by the editorial board. The reviewers will evaluate the submitted text indicating whether or how it complies with the following requirements:

1. It is innovating and represents an important contribution to the approached theme;

2. It is laboured in accordance with the linguistic and methodological academical standards.

Reviewers have also the right to make suggestions or to give recommendations so that the quality of the submitted text to be improved (e.g. the coherence and the precision of the argument, way of expression, supplementary bibliography). Authors will receive a copy of the anonymous accounts of the reviewers. Also, authors might be required to revise the submitted text according to the received suggestions. The publication of the text is conditioned by the way authors respond to the reviewers’ recommendations.
Formatting guidelines:

As general requirement, the text must be edited in a Microsoft Word format, doc., page size A5 (21 x 29,7 cm), font: Palatino 11 pts, spacing: 1.15 lines. Foothnotes: 10 pts, single.
• Mirror intends: 3 cm left, 2 cm before, after;
• Materials written without diacritics will not be accepted!
• For other fonts, authors are asked to use Unicode fonts (for example: Galatia SIL, for Greek; Ezra SIL, for Hebrew).

Study text formatting:
Study title: Palatino 11 points, uppercase bold, center page

Between the title of the study and Abstract will be applied the distance of 2 tabs, and the abstract will be placed left alignment of the page written in 11 Palatino font, bold.

It is recommended that the Abstract contain the size of 10-20 lines written in font size: 11 Italic Palatine without bold, which presents the premises for analyzing the topic, reporting to the existing bibliography, working methods, method used, research conclusions and elements news. The abstract will be written in an impersonal, neutral, and not personal, subjective way (in the first person). Expressions such as: "in the second part of the text I did an analysis ..." will be replaced with formulations such as: "the author proposes in the second part of the study an analysis ...". In the abstract, the text is never arranged in paragraphs. Also, in the abstract it is not recommended to insert quotations, which must be accompanied by footnotes.
Each study must be accompanied by a minimum of 5 keywords written in font size: 11 Italic Palatine without bold. Also, the distance between 1 tab will be kept between the abstract and the keywords.

Keywords: theology, salvation…

Subchapters will be written 11 Palatino bold, left alignment. The distance of 1 tab will be kept between the last line of the previous text and the next subchapter.
Introductory remarks…
The critical apparatus
Footnotes will be inserted automatically from the text editor (using the References button, → Insert Footnote or by simultaneously pressing the CTRL + ALT + F keys) and will have the Palatino 10 font size.
Book reviews will be submitted for publication in electronic format and must meet technical characteristics corresponding to a study:
- font: 11 Palatino, at 1.15 lines with diacritical marks specific to the Romanian language alphabet (if it is in Romanian);
Author name (Paul Evdokimov), Title of the work (Orthodoxy), Publisher, Year of publication, Place of publication, no pages, ISBN ...
In the Orizonturi Teologice, starting with 2019, the Chicago-Style citation system will be introduced. In this sense, we further reproduce the stated citation method, with the request that this modality be respected.
Chicago-Style Citation System
An author:
• Stelian TOFANĂ, Introducere în Noul Testament-vol II-Evangheliile după Matei şi Marcu. Documentul Quelle, (Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2002), 37.

• Iuliu Olariu, Explicarea Psalmilor din Orologiu (Caransebeş, 1899), 45.

• Note! At the second citation we will have:

TOFANĂ, Introducere în Noul Testament-vol II-Evangheliile după Matei şi Marcu. Documentul Quelle, 57
Citing an author from the PSB, Philocalia, Patristic collections or from the Western biblical commentary collections:
 Sf. Vasile cel Mare, Omilii la Psalmi, în PSB 17, trad. Dumitru Fecioru (Bucureşti: IBMO, 1986), 12-4.
 Sf. Varsanufie şi Ioan, Scrisori duhovniceşti, în Filocalia 11, trad. Dumitru Stăniloae (Bucureşti: Humanitas, 2009), 629-30.
 Peter C. Craigie, Psalms 1-50, în WBC 19 (Dallas: Word Inc., 2002), 3.
Note! At the second citation we will have:
Sf. Vasile cel Mare, Omilii la Psalmi, 23.
Craigie, Psalms, 34.
Citing an work from PG sau PL  Hesychius of Jerusalem, „LargeCommentary on Psalms,” în PG 93,1181.
 Sf. Ieronim, „Breviarum in Psalmos,” în PL 26,839A.
Note! At the second citation we will maintain the same format, exempting the numbers.
Two or three authors
 Dumitru ABRUDAN şi Emilian CORNIȚESCU, Arheologia Biblică (Bucureşti: IBMO, 1994), 12.

 Robert G. Bratcherşi William D. Reyburn, A Translator'sHandbook on theBook of Psalms (New York: United BibleSocieties, 1991), 12.

Note! At the second citation we will have:
ABRUDAN şi CORNIȚESCU, Arheologia Biblică , 15.
Bratcher and Reyburn, A Translator'sHandbook, 13.
Four or more authors

 Eugenia Dima et al., Dicţionar explicativ ilustrat al limbii române (Chişinău: Arc-Gunivas, 2007), 1157.
 Vladimir Prelipceanu et al., Studiul Vechiului Testament (Cluj-Napoca: Renaşterea, 2003), 191.
Note! At the second citation we will have:
Dima et al., Dicţionar explicativ, 23.
Prelipceanu et al., Studiul Vechiului Testament, 78.
Chapter or other part of a collective volume:
 Ioan Chirilă, „Arhiepiscopul Bartolomeu – un om cuprins prin tâlcuire în dulceaţaşi lumina Revelaţiei,” in Logos. Arhiepiscopului Bartolomeu al Clujului la împlinirea vârstei de 80 de ani, ed. ŞtefanIloaieşi Radu Preda (Cluj-Napoca: Renaşterea, 2001), 112.
 Cezar Hârlăoanu, „Semnificaţia lui rahamîn Biblia Ebraică,” în Studia Teologica Doctoralia, vol. 2, ed. Vorel Sava et al. (Iaşi: Junimea, 2011), 264.
Note! At the second citation we will have:

Chirilă, „Arhiepiscopul,” 22.
Hârlăoanu, „Semnificaţia lui raham,” 6.

Article or study from a printed journal
 Ioan Chirilă, „Philologicalreflection – Genesis 1:1,” ROOTS 1 (2009): 154.
 Petre Semen, „Poezia religioasă în Vechiul Testament,” GB 7-9 (1977): 706.
 Thomas Torrance, „The Doctrine of Grace in the Old Testament,” SJT 1 (1948): 65.
Note! At the second citation we will have:
Chirilă, „Philologicalreflection,” 154.
Semen, „Poezia religioasă,” 707.
Article or study from an online journal
 GueorgiKossinets și Duncan J. Watts, „Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network,” American Journal of Sociology 115 (2009): 411, accesat Februarie 28, 2010, doi:10.1086/599247.
Note! At the second citation we will have:
Kossinets și Watts, „Origins of Homophily,” 439.
Paper presented at a conference:
 Brian Doyle, „HowlingLikeDogs: MetaphoricalLanguage in Psalm 59” (lucrare prezentată la întâlnirea internațională a The Society of BiblicalLiterature, Berlin, Germania, Iunie 19-22, 2002).
Note! At the second citation we will have:
Doyle, „Howling.”
A website:
 Ioan Chirilă, „Despre credinţă, încredinţareşi pronie,” accesat 6 Iunie, 2016,

Note! At the second citation we will have:
Ioan Chirilă, „Despre credinţă.
Abbreviations for the Books of the Bible:
Mark Mk
Matthew Mt 1
Peter 1 Pt 2
2 Peter 2 Pt
Philemon Phlm
Philippians Phil
Revelation Rv
Romans Rom
1 Thessalonians 1 Thes
2 Thessalonians 2 Thes
1 Timothy 1 Tm
2 Timothy 2 Tm
Acts of the Apostles Act
Colossians Col
1 Corinthians 1 Cor
2 Corinthians 2 Cor
Ephesians Eph
Galatians Gal
Hebrews Heb
James Jas
John Jn
1 John 1 Jn
2 John 2 Jn
3 John 3 Jn

Amos Am
Baruch Bar
1 Chronicles 1 Chr
2 Chronicles 2 Chr
Daniel Dn
Deuternonomy Dt
Ecclesiastes Eccl
Esther Est
Exodus Ex
Ezra Ezr
Ezekiel Ez
Genesis Gn
Habakkuk Hb
Haggai Hg
Hosea Hos
Isaiah Is
Jeremiah Jer
Job Jb
Joel Jl
Jonah Jon
Joshua Jos
Judges Jgs
Judith Jdt
1 Kings 1 Kgs
2 Kings 2 Kgs
Lamentations Lam
Leviticus Lv
1 Maccabees 1 Mc
2 Maccabees 2 Mc
Malachi Mal
Micah Mi
Nahum Na
Nehemiah Neh
Numbers Nm
Obadiah Ob
Proverbs Prv
Psalm Ps
Ruth Ru
1 Samuel 1 Sm
2 Samuel 2 Sm
Sirach Sir
Jude Jude
Titus Ti
Song of Songs Sg
Tobit Tb
Wisdom Wis
Zechariah Zec
Zephaniah Zep

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