Theological Horizons (TH) is a biannual peer reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles corresponding to one of the following categories:
Studies that involve empirical data obtained from research projects and applied methodology using the scientific method (experimental, correlational, meta-analytical, case studies, etc.)
Reviews of book and articles that had a major impact level in the field of theology.
Through the published studies and articles, the journal actively contributed to the intensification and increase in value of the theological-academic activity within the University of Oradea. The editorial team always had in mind to maintain a balance between the traditional disciplines of theological education. In analyzing the authors who published in the period 2022-2024, we can observe that the journal has attracted internationally renowned collaborators, an aspect giving prestige to the Theological Horizons publication: Prof. univ. Dr. Hans Schwarz - Universitat Regensburg – Deutschland; Chrysostomos A. Stamoulis - Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Greece; Risto Aikonen - Senior Lecturer in Orthodox Religious Education Pedagogy, University of Eastern Finland;
Porzia Quagliarella - Prof.ssa UPRA, Università Pontificia Regina Apostolorum, Roma- Italy; Jari Ristiniemi -Professor in Religious Studies University of Gӓvle- Sweden.
ISSN: 1582-1757
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